Yesterday i was working on my kidoodle zine (more on that to come) and listening to This American Life when I suddenly noticed the time and had to rush off and pick up Oscar from school. I like to wait until the very last minute before I stop drawing and I hate cleaning up art things. I like to think it isn’t because I’m lazy but more because I’m fearful I won’t ever get them out again once I pack them away. Either way, I left our kitchen table littered with drawings, scraps of paper, and tape. When we got home the messy table was like a magnet for Oscar. He immediately sat down and started drawing and cutting too. Oh yeah, and art directing my zine and demanding I draw things for him. But it was a great reminder of a couple of things: how kids really mimic our own activities and how it only takes easy access to materials to get kids creating. So I guess the question is how do we get kids more access to kidoodle apps? Ipads in public schools? Porting the app to android devices? hmmmmmmm……maybe we should just worry about finishing the first app first.
– karen
Hi Karen, oh how we know that race out the door feeling! I write this while nearing an Australian midnight and think the same of trying to get to bed…how did those evening hours leave without me? Love the image of you and son working side by side. Me thinks you guys should send some treasure in to BIG Kids Mag. We think we could be fine friends on paper and ipage 😉
Hi Jo, sounds great, we’d love to collaborate on something, BIG Kids mag looks awesome. I’m a kiwi transplant so am wistfully thinking of your approaching summer down there…. boxing day on the beach……sigh 🙂